Admissions FAQs

Our full Admissions Policy can be read  HERE

1. I am moving to Malmesbury and want my children to come to the school. How do I apply?

All our admissions go through Wiltshire Council.  If your child is already attending another school your application must be made using a School In-Year Transfer form available to download from the Wiltshire Council website.

Please be aware that the school is often over-subscribed and is usually operating a waiting list in most Year Groups.

2. What is your catchment area?

The downloadable map on the main Admissions page shows the Designated (catchment) Area for our school.

3. How can I find out if you have places?

Please contact the school office by e-mail at

4. Can I put my child on your waiting list?

If you wish your child to be on the waiting list then you must make an application/in-year transfer request through Wiltshire Council stating this school as your first preference.  We do not operate a separate waiting list, however you are welcome to contact the school to check the most up-to-date status of the waiting list.

5. What if I have more than one child needing a place?

You will need to apply for an In-Year Transfer for each individual child.  Please be aware that we may not be able to offer places to all of your children.  In such circumstances any offer of a school place will be for the child named and would not give the other children any priority for immediate admission as a sibling link.  If you need places for more than one child then please contact the school for further advice.

6. Can I apply on-line?

Yes, through the Wiltshire Council website

7. How long will it take for my application to go through?

Decision letters should be posted within 20 school days of receipt of your form although at busy periods there may be delays.  For full details please see the information provided on the in-year transfer form or contact Wiltshire Council.

8. How do you choose who gets a place?

Where the school is over-subscribed places are allocated in the following priority order:

  1. ‘Looked after’ children/Previously ‘Looked after’ children
  2. Vulnerable children
  3. Siblings living within the inner or outer designated areas
  4. Children of staff of the school living within the inner or outer designated areas
  5. Children within the inner designated area
  6. Children within the outer designated area
  7. Other siblings outside of both designated areas
  8. Other children outside of both designated areas

9. What happens after I am offered a place at the school?

You will have 28 days in which to accept the offer of a place and, if necessary, provide documentation to prove residency such as a valid Tenancy Agreement or evidence of exchanged contracts.  You must inform Wiltshire Council if you wish to accept the place offered.  They will then inform the school.  Once we have confirmation of your acceptance we will contact you directly  to organise start dates, class allocations etc.

10. What happens if I am not offered a place?

Wiltshire Council will make an offer of a place at whichever other of your preferred schools has availability.  If you have only chosen one school or none of your preferred schools have a place then Wiltshire Council will offer you a place at your nearest available school.  You will remain on our waiting list for the remainder of the academic year unless we make you an offer of a place and you decline it.

11. What if there is still no place available at the end of the academic year?

Waiting lists close at the end of the academic year (July).  If you wish you child to remain on the waiting list to be considered for a place in the next academic year then you need to make a fresh application.

12. Can I appeal if I don’t get a place?

You have a right to appeal to an independent panel.  If you have not been offered a place and you wish to appeal the decision then you must contact Wiltshire Council.   The school must accept and cannot override the final decision of the appeal panel.  You are also able to reapply in the next academic year if the appeal is unsuccessful.