Attendance and Absence

School hours

School hours are 09:00 to 15:15, Monday to Friday.   Children are in school for a total of 31 hours 15 minutes per week. From 1 September 2024 the school day will be 08:50-15:20, a total of 32.5 hours a week.


If your child will be absent from school through illness, please let us know by using the Absence Notification facility on ParentMail by 9:00 a.m.  Medical appointments can be notified in the same way, via ParentMail

All other absences and holiday requests 

DfE regulations regarding absence no longer permit Headteachers to authorise any leave or absence from school unless the circumstances are ‘exceptional’ relating to a ‘one off’ isolated situation.  Any such request must be submitted in good time using the Absence Request Form available to download below.  Hard copies are also available in the school foyer.

A 2020 leaflet from the DfE detailing their regulations can be accessed by clicking the button below.

The link below will take you to the Leave of Absence request form.

Further information can be found on the DfE website by clicking the following link: