- A red sweatshirt or Cardigan
- A white or navy shirt or polo shirt
- Navy or black trousers, shorts, skirts, or pinafores
- Black shoes (No trainers)
- Red gingham dresses and closed toe sandals are permitted in the summer.
Please ensure that your children wear sensible shoes to school. Children are very active during the day both inside the school and in the playground. Their shoes need to be comfortable and safe. “Strappy” sandals are likely to cause trips and falls and boots are not allowed – in extreme weather children will be allowed to wear boots/wellingtons for their journey into school and then change into school shoes.
As shown in the adjacent picture, hair below the shoulder should be tied up so that it does not cause a hazard in P.E and sports and remains out of eyes in lessons. Hair should be natural in colour and not dyed. We do not permit tramlines and encourage blending between the longer and shorter hair.
Jewellery and Hair accessories
For safety reasons children should not wear jewellery. The only exceptions are stud earrings and essential religious items. See below for advice on jewellery during PE. We do not want to see children wearing hoops or dangly earrings. Please do not send your child to school with fancy headbands and clips – they are not part of school uniform. Please save these for weekends, weddings and parties!
Smart Watches
Please note that children are not permitted to wear smart watches in school. These are watches with any added functionality over and above the basic time-telling capabilities and the traditional date / stopwatch / alarm functions which have been around for years. The problem with smart watches is that some have the capacity to take photos and videos, send and receive text messages and even connect to the internet. It is impossible to individually police which functions are operating, so please could these devices be kept at home. We do encourage older children to wear watches, particularly traditional analogue ones as they learn to tell the time.
Make Up
Make up including nail varnish is not allowed in school.
PE Kit
Please supply your child with a draw string bag (not plastic) which may be left at school during term time. Please ensure the bag has your child’s name and class on it.
- Please provide a pair of black shorts and a red t-shirt. Please also provide a pair of clearly named trainers
- Please also provide a black/blue plain tracksuit or jogging top and trousers so that children can also do outside PE.
- Gymnastics and dance take place in the hall and are performed in bare feet. Trainers are used for games lessons outside.
Should your child need to wear jewellery for religious purposes please provide tape or micropore tape to cover the jewellery during the lesson so that it doesn’t present a hazard

School uniform prices:
Sweatshirts (22/24-30/32) £10.50
Large sweatshirts (32/34 – 38/40) £11.50
Cardigans (22/24-30/32) £11.50
Large cardigans (32/34 – 38/40) £12.50
Navy Polo Shirts £8.00
White Polo Shirts £7.50
PE Red T-shirts £6.00
Book Bags £7.00