Governing bodies are responsible for working with the school to ensure that it delivers a good quality education. Together with the Headteacher, who is responsible for day-to-day management, the governors set the school’s aims and policies.
Key roles of governors:
- To ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
- To ensure accountability for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.
- To oversee the financial performance of the school and ensure value for money.
- To ensure the voices of stakeholders are heard.
- To support and challenge and undertake the role of ‘critical friend’.
They also carry out a number of other important duties, which include:
- Determining how the school’s budget is spent.
- The appointing and dismissing of staff.
- Hearing appeals and grievances.
- Forming policy on the school’s curriculum and collective worship.
- Setting standards for pupils’ behaviour and discipline.
- Making sure school buildings are welcoming and safe.
- Setting and monitoring the school’s aims and policies.
For further information about the work of the governing body and its committees please see our Scheme of Delegation 2023-24.
Laurence Mussett, Chair of Governors, Community Governor and Governor for Attendance.
Serves on the Finance & Premises Committee and the Audit & Risk Committee
Appointed by Members (4 year term) – 23/11/20 – 22/11/2024
Laurence Mussett has three children, all of whom have attended Malmesbury C of E Primary School. Laurence is a Director of his own business delivering affordable housing across the South West.
Julie Brown, Vice Chair of Governors, Community Governor
Co-Chair of the Staffing & Curriculum Committee, SEND Governor
Appointed by Members (4 year term) – 23/11/20 – 22/11/2024
Julie Brown has been associated with the school since her grandson started in 2007, at which time she became a classroom helper and ‘reading buddy’. She also supports the school as a ‘Friend of Malmesbury Primary School’, which includes fund raising in support of the school. She is committed to her role, and “values the voice of our pupils, parents and carers, and staff”. Julie is proud to be a Registered Nurse, working full time for the NHS.
Nigel Roberts, Community Governor, Governor for Health and Safety
Serves on the Finance & Premises Committee and the Audit & Risk Committee
Appointed by Members (4 year term) – 23/11/20 – 22/11/2024
Nigel Roberts has lived in Malmesbury for many years. He is married with 3 teenage children and runs his own business in the steel industry. He also has extensive experience as a trustee of a charitable organisation.
Ewen Vizor, Community Governor, Governor for Sex and Relationship Education
Serves on the Staffing and Curriculum Committee
Appointed by Members (4 year term) – 23/11/20 – 22/11/2024
Brian Leitch, Foundation Governor
Serves on the Finance & Premises Committee, the Audit & Risk Committee and the Foundation Committee
Appointed by the Diocese (4 year term) – 10/02/2022 – 09/02/2026
Brian Leitch attends the United Reform Church, and as a Foundation Governor provides links between the school and the Bristol Diocese to ensure our Christian distinctiveness is maintained. He has young children at our school. Brian has spent much of his career working in charities overseas, and now works in the NHS, improving patient care.
Rev Oliver Ross, Vicar of Malmesbury Abbey, Foundation Governor
Appointed by the Diocese (continuous term)
Vacancy, Foundation Governor
Appointed by the Diocese (4 year term)
Stephen Heal, Ex Officio Governor
Serves on the Finance & Premises Committee and the Staffing & Curriculum Committee
Headteacher (continuous term)
Paula Muir McLeod, Co-opted Governor, Governor for Safeguarding
Serves on the Staffing & Curriculum Committee
Appointed by the Governing Body (4 year term) – 23/07/2022 – 22/07/2026
Paula has 2 children, one who is currently in the school and one who has recently left. She is a Science Teacher in a local Secondary School.
Mark Norton, Parent Governor
Serves on the Finance & Premises Committee and the Audit & Risk Committee
Elected by the parents of the school (4 year term) – 25/11/2021 – 24/11/2025
Chris Osborn, Parent Governor, Governor for PE
Co-chair of the Staffing & Curriculum Committee
Elected by the parents of the school (4 year term) – 29/01/24 – 28/01/2028
Chris Osborn has two children at our school. He works in product development at Dyson, and has lived in Malmesbury since 2002.
Dalia ElEdel, Parent Governor
Serves on the Staffing and Curriculum Committee
Elected by parents of the school (4 year term) – 10/02/2023 – 09/02/2027
Rachael Pink, Parent Governor
Chair of the Finance & Premises Committee and the Audit & Risk Committee
Elected by parents of the school (4 year term) – 25/11/2021- 24/11/2025
Rachael lives in Malmesbury and has two children at the school. She works in Research Design and Development at Dyson and has degree in Mechanical Engineering. Rachael wanted to become a governor to support the school in the exceptional work they do educating and supporting all of the students.
Vicky Lees, Parent Governor, Governor for Looked After Children
Serves on the Finance & Premises Committee and the Audit & Risk Committee
Elected by parents of the school (4 year term) – 17/11/2020 – 16/11/2024
Vicky lives in Malmesbury and has two children at the school. Vicky was previously a governor at Wiltshire College, and has a background in Operational Risk.
Deborah Hampton, Staff Governor
Serves on the Staffing & Curriculum Committee
Elected by the School Staff (4 year term) – 30/01/2022 – 29/01/2026
Deborah is a Year 6 teacher, having previously worked in the banking sector. She has two teenage children.
Judith Brown, Staff Governor
Elected by the School Staff (4 year term) 20 March 2024 – 19 March 2028
Jonathan Watkins, Associate Member
Serves on the Finance & Premises Committee and the Staffing & Curriculum Committee (with voting rights)
Appointed by the Governing Body (4 year term) – 29/09/2020 – 28/09/2024
Melanie Warwick, Associate Member
Serves on the Finance & Premises Committee and the Staffing & Curriculum Committee (with voting rights)
Appointed by the Governing Body (4 year term) – 30/01/2023 – 29/01/2027
Governors who have served in the last 12 months –
Claire Dean, resigned 31/08/2023
Ruth Martin, end of term 10/07/2023
Richard Jones, resigned 11/12/2022
Attendance at Governor meetings and business interests declaration
Governor | FGB meetings 2023-24 attended (out of a possible) | Pecuniary/business interests | FGB meetings 2022-23 attended (% possible) | Finance & Premises Committee meetings attended 2022-23 (% possible) | Curriculum & Staffing Committee meetings attended 2022-23 (% possible) |
Laurence Mussett | 4 (5) | Director of Affordable Housing Services Ltd | 100 | 40 | N/A |
Julie Brown | 4 (5) | Nil | 38 | N/A | 100 |
Stephen Heal | 5 (5) | Employee of Malmesbury CE Primary | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Deborah Hampton | 5 (5) | Employee of Malmesbury CE Primary | 88 | N/A | 100 |
Brian Leitch | 4 (5) | Trustee of Heals at Malmesbury | 88 | 60 | N/A |
Ruth Martin | N/A | Nil | 100* | N/A | 100 |
Paula Muir McLeod | 5 (5) | Nil | 100 | N/A | 100 |
Chris Osborn | 4 (5) | Employee of Dyson Ltd., Governor of Malmesbury School | 75 | N/A | 100 |
Nigel Roberts | 2 (5) | Director of: Sweetnam & Bradley Ltd; Megasteel Ltd; Capital 27 Ltd; Megasteel Ropes Ltd; Engineerings Acquisitions Ltd | 25 | 20 | N/A |
Rev Oliver Ross | 0 (5) | Chair of Lord Wharton Bible Trust; Chair of PCCs of Malmesbury Abbey and Upper Avon Churches | 0 | N/A | N/A |
Ewen Vizor | 5 (5) | Nil | 63 | N/A | 80 |
Claire Dean | N/A | Nil | 63 | 0 | N/A |
Vicky Lees | 5 (5) | Nil | 88 | 100 | N/A |
Mark Norton | 3 (5) | Nil | 88 | 80 | N/A |
Rachael Pink | 3 (5) | Employee of Dyson Ltd. | 100 | 100 | N/A |
Dalia ElEdel | 5 (5) | Nil | 80* | N/A | 50* |
Judith Brown | 0 (1) | Employee of Malmesbury CE Primary | |||
Jonathan Watkins | 4 (5) | Employee of Malmesbury CE Primary | 50 | 60 | 80 |
Melanie Warwick | 5 (5) | Employee of Malmesbury CE Primary | 100* | 100* | 100* |
* since appointment
The Board’s diversity data
The board believe it is important that we reflect the diversity of the communities we serve. Diverse boards promote inclusive school environments and provide diverse role models for staff and young people. We collect data on the diversity of the board, including age, ethnicity and gender and use this data to inform our recruitment and training needs and ensure there is always a diverse range of perspectives around the table to support robust decision making. We do not publish diversity data online as individual governors could be identified and we have a legal obligation to protect their personal data.