Peas in The Pod (before & after school child care)

We aim to ensure our childcare provision is relaxed and fun, however the usual school rules still apply! We offer indoor and outdoor activities (weather permitting) with a wide variety of activity choices and the opportunity for children to socialise with others in  different year groups. Sessions provide a smooth transition between before and after school care, and the school day.

Peas in the Pod runs every day during the school term (except TD days and for After School Club on the last day of the main terms ( Christmas, Easter and Summer holidays).

Breakfast Club            7.35am – 8.40am        £6.25 per session (includes breakfast)

After school                 3.20pm – 4.30pm        £7.35 per session (includes snack)

After school                 3.20pm – 6.00pm        £16.10 per session (includes snack and tea)

Registering your child for Peas in the Pod

Bookings will be made prior to the start of the academic year, for a year at a time. Any cancellations for those places will need to be made one term in advance. For example, if you wish to cancel your place in January (Term 3), you will need to notify us before the last day of term in October (Term 1). This will ensure that a place can then be offered to those on the waiting list in good time.

Places must be requested for the entire school year: September to July. 

Places will be allocated as per the Peas in the Pod admissions criteria (see below)

Places are limited to 25 in morning club and 40 in after school club. Each session on a Friday is limited to 25 children attending.

Once all places have been offered, a waiting list will then be held for those parents who have applied by the closing date, according to criteria. 

Those parents/guardians who have applied following the deadline date will have their child’s name added to the waiting list according to date of application.

If your child attends Peas and you find yourself in need of emergency childcare, you can email or phone in to the school office on 01666 823514 to check Peas availability. We call these ad hoc sessions. Ad hoc sessions must not be relied upon as regular childcare as there are times we are unable to meet ad hoc requirements. Please email requests for one off sessions, rather than asking the staff who are in ratio supervising the children.

Terms and conditions