Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information
Malmesbury Primary School prides itself on its ability to offer and successfully deliver a full and stimulating curriculum that is inclusive to all children, irrespective of need.
The SENDCo, Mrs Laura Phillips, has a great deal of experience in the role of supporting pupils with additional needs and holds the national qualification for SENCOs (NAFSENCO). Laura is also a Leading Inclusion Practitioner for the Local Authority, and trained to carry out SEND Reviews in schools.
Our SEND team works very closely with all of the teaching staff who, as a result, are able to support children with a wide range of academic, physical, and social needs. This may be in the form of classroom-based support or withdrawn support, sometimes in small group or one-to-one sessions, using resources from within the school and from the support services within the local authority.
The school maintains close working relationships with children, staff, parents, and other agencies. If you would like to discuss any issue regarding your child or special educational needs, please speak to our SENDCo, who will be happy to provide both information and support. Mrs Phillips is in school on Monday-Thursday. She can also be contacted via contact form using the orange button below.
The school is proud of its ability to support children with a variety of special needs and has taken steps to ensure that all children are treated equally. As a result, the school is suitably equipped to deal with a wide range of individual needs. The school and the governing body regularly review its provision for children with special needs and ensure that its staff are well prepared and trained.
We recognise that many special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) may not be visible and many children live with mental health challenges. For children who need additional support with these additional needs, we have two trained ELSAs (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants) who work with children on a 1:1 and small group basis across the school. In addition we have a School Counsellor who works with children individually, and a Parent Support Advisor who supports both parents and children across the school.
Wiltshire Parent Carer Council (WPCC)Click above to go to the website of the WPCC, where you can find out who they are, what they do and who they work with. You’ll also discover a wealth of information about special educational needs, benefits & money, social care services, schools & learning, legal matters and more, as well as how to apply for the Short Breaks Scheme, which is funded by Wiltshire Council
Useful Links
Detailed below is a list of helpful links and information that we think might be of use to you if your child has any special educational needs. If you are aware of any other useful websites, please let us know and we will try to include a link to them.
Epilepsy Awareness Day
Epilepsy Awareness Day this year is 25th March. Click the link to the British Epilepsy Association (above) for further information, and take a look at the videos below: