Stephen Heal
Senior Leadership Team
Jonathan Watkins
Deputy Head
Melanie Warwick
School Business Manager
Laura Phillips
Deborah Hampton
Milepost 3 lead
Peter Dobb
Milepost 2 lead
Maria Moles
Milepost 1 lead
Lyann Chambers-Haigh
Joint EYFS lead
Catherine Jowitt
Joint EYFS lead
Our school is called a ‘two form entry’ school which means we have two classes for every year group. We structure our classes into ‘Mileposts’ so that teachers can support one another by planning in teams. The Reception classes are collectively known as EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage). Milepost 1 comprises the Year 1 and Year 2 pupils. Milepost 2 consists of Year 3 and Year 4 and Milepost 3 contains Years 5 and 6. Please select a tab to see the staff team for each Milepost.