Deciding where to send your child to school is one of those decisions in life that you really want to get right. We are blessed with many good schools in the Malmesbury area, so we recommend that you visit a number of them. For some people a big school like ours is ideal, but others prefer the smaller schools in the surrounding villages. Finding the right school for your child is what matters, and you probably won’t know until you’ve been inside them.
We are delighted to offer open mornings for parents/carers and children to view our wonderful school and meet some of the staff.
Open mornings will take place on:
Friday 13th September
Friday 20th September
Wednesday 9th October (FULL)
Wednesday 6th November (FULL)
Friday 15th November
Friday 6th December
Each opening morning session will start at 10:00am and last approximately an hour. Please arrive at reception just before 10:00am to allow time to sign in and be given a Visitor badge
To book a place on an opening morning session please email the school office using; and provide the following details:
· Your name
· A contact phone number for you (we will only use this if we have to cancel the session at short notice)
· Your child’s name
· Your child’s date of birth
· The date or dates you are available to attend
You will receive an email confirmation of your booking shortly after your request is received. If the session you have requested is fully booked, we will offer you the next available session where there is space.
Applications for a Reception year school placement starting September 2025 are currently open. You will need to make your application via Wiltshire County Council Website admissions .
The last day to apply for the first round consideration is Wednesday 15th January 2024.
We look forward to meeting you soon.
Malmesbury Primary School Team