Information from Wiltshire Dyslexia Association

The Wiltshire Dyslexia Association (a member of the British Dyslexia Association) provides support for anyone seeking information regarding dyslexia. We wanted to draw your attention to the following resources and training:

BDA Guide for Parents – a free 24-page guide for anyone supporting a child or young person with dyslexia.

See also Dyslexia, dyscalculia and other neurodiverse conditions

If you register to attend, you will be supplied with a link to the recording after the webinar.
In addition, as part of Dyslexia Awareness Week 2024 (7-13th October) our SENCo Laura Phillips will be running an information session on Zoom for all interested parents.  The session will be held at 10am on Wednesday 9th Oct, and will last for approximately 40 minutes. Details on how to express an interest in attending will be sent out by ParentMail in the next few days.