
‘…the school has developed a rich and relevant curriculum which has an excellent impact on children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and combines subjects together very well through a cross-curricular approach to learning. Pupils say that this approach makes lessons interesting and enjoyable and provides them with a range of structured opportunities to develop new skills.’
Ofsted 2012

Our Curriculum Intent

 School vision statement: Growing together in wisdom and love; discovering life in all its fullness.

A thousand years ago, our small town was the first capital city of all England. Today, it hosts an international community of 3000 designers and engineers, at a world class research facility. Many are parents, some are governors.  We soak up their expertise and spirit of innovation, combining it with the timeless beauty of the ancient and the traditional, to create the future.

Our vision is to create a learning culture that ignites young minds and gives them limitless opportunities in the twenty-first century. Today’s children live in a digital age; our curriculum responds and adapts to the continuous changes in our technology-enhanced environment and society, whilst adhering to our core values of LOVE, COURAGE, RESPECT KINDNESS, INDEPENDENCE AND CREATIVITY.

Every member of staff is engaged in dreaming, defining and delivering one key aspect of that vision: building ‘Citizens of the Future.’

We Aim To… In order to achieve these aims, our curriculum will:
Encourage and develop the joy of learning in all children.Be creative, vibrant and engaging.
Prepare children for the future, enabling them to fulfil their potential and develop as rounded individuals.Support and enable the highest quality learning experiences.
Challenge children to excel personally, creatively, physically, academically.
Enable children to integrate new learning into their existing understanding.Provide clear progression.
Link learning across subject boundaries.
Value children, respecting and celebrating each one as unique. Be rooted in our values.
Be adapted and personalised in order to ensure equal access for all learners.
Include high quality personal, social and health education.
Provide religious education in line with our Christian foundation and nurture children’s spiritual development.
Enable children to be confident users of technology: to learn, to create and to express themselves.Continually innovate in our use of the latest technology.
Teach children to master technology, harnessing its power while knowing how to avoid its dangers.
Root learning in real world experiences.Capitalise on the resources of the local community and surrounding area.
Plan for learning to take place outdoors.

Below is a curriculum overview outlining the theme for each term. Select a tab to view your child’s year group. In addition to this, termly curriculum newsletters are sent home that explain in more detail what will be covered in each curriculum area and ways you can support your child at home.  If you click on your child’s year group page you will be able to see what the children are doing in each year group.  Also see the Curriculum Booklets at the bottom of the page for more detail.

ThemeREChristian CalendarFestivals and Culture
Term 1All About MeBeing Special, Identity, Diversity and Belonging.HarvestChange: Seasons
Term 2CelebrationsGiving, Saying Thank You, Christmas.Advent / ChristmasNativity
Term 3People Who Help UsSpecial People, Values, Commitment and Community.Fair TradeChinese New Year
Term 4TransportSpecial Times EasterLent / EasterEaster
Term 5Spring and GrowthSpecial Places.Christian AidWater Awareness
Term 6Water / Under the SeaOur Natural World, Awe, Wonder and Mystery.TrinityWater Awareness
Term 1Healthy Eating
Term 2Amazing Toys
Term 3Fantastic Fairy Tales
Term 4Pirates
Term 5Caves to Castles
Term 6Going on Holiday
Term 1Victorians
Term 2Victorians
Term 3Our World
Term 4Pirates
Term 5Bugs Feast
Term 6Vikings
Term 1Temples, Tombs and Treasures
Term 2Active Planet
Term 3Saving the Rainforests
Term 4Saving the Rainforests
Term 5Footprints from the Past
Term 6Vikings
Term 1Temples, Tombs and Treasure
Term 2Active Planet
Term 3Saving the Rainforests
Term 4Saving the Rainforests
Term 5Footprints from the Past
Term 6Myans and Chocolate
Term 1The Great, the Bold and the Brave
Term 2Magical Materials
Term 3Our Unique World
Term 4Fit for Life
Term 5Spotlight on Design
Term 6Meanders and Mountains
Term 1The Great, the Bold and the Brave
Term 2Magical Materials
Term 3Our Unique World
Term 4Fit for Life
Term 5Out of Africa
Term 6Out of Africa

Curriculum booklets are available to view below. They show the skills and knowledge your child will develop as the progress through the school and how that links with the new National Curriculum.
Some topics are taught across year groups, and this is indicated by coloured highlighting in the booklets.

Curriculum Overview